
The Ponton Trust was established as a grant-making body in August 1993. Its objective is to support targeted action which will help vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people in the Edinburgh and Lothian area.  

Since 1993 the Trust has distributed more than £1.5 million and further details as to the Trust's pattern of grant-giving are provided in the 'About the Trust' section.

The Trustees are drawn from various backgrounds, and are a combination of people who are professionally familiar with the needs of children and young people, and know the voluntary and community sector, together with legal and financial advisors who give guidance on the management of the fund. Visit the Trustees page for further information about each of our Trustees.

The Trust welcomes applications from charities operating in the Edinburgh and Lothian area, and further details on how to apply for a grant from the Trust are provided in the Applying for a Grant section.